In RC2 (cvs-12-29-2005--19-21) the HCW helper program has trouble starting and the keys on my silver Hauppauge remote seem to have lost their function.
I have a similar problem. Sometimes the icon stays in the taskbar when MediaPortal has already been closed.
I used the RC1 version, but recently upgraded to RC2. After nothing worked with the old settings (that had remained in the folder) I uninstalled it again, deleted the remains in the folder and did a fresh new install.
Now it works on general, but I'm still having problems with the tv part. I can watch TV and switch channels. But I don't have the visuals (the bar with the channel number and name) anymore.
And when I press the red button or the back/exit button on the Hauppauge remote control the complete program closes. With the old version it just switch back to the menu.
Is this a matter of settings or something else? I left the remote control configuration as it was when it was installed.
I'm also on RC2. When starting MP for the first time the Hauppauge remote works just fine. But if I close MP and start it again the remote is nonfunctional. I have to restart computer to make remote work again.
Any clues?
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet because of illness.
Q2.) If there is a newer version, what is the best way to upgrade?
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix.
Open MP2-Client, navigate to Settings->General->Connectivity->Home server.
In the menu on the left there may be an option Detach from home server, if there is click it and acknowledge the dialog that pops up...
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix...
Help Please: MP doesnt display any of my previouse recordings or TV programs
It seems like the Server isnt running?
MP was working...
Good. I am pleased that that is now working for you. :)
If you have ever looked at MP debug log files, you may have noticed that apparent errors are not rare, but these are "errors" that do not affect the functioning of the product. (It is not desirable to have these errors in the log file, as it misleads users, testers, and...
Good. I am pleased that that is now working for you. :)
If you have ever looked at MP debug log files, you may have noticed that...
I am reinstalling MediaPortal 1.13 on a new W10 64Bit computer. In need to use this old version because of TVWishlist.
So my...
Ok, so perhaps a solution, but not the "right" solution. On the client, within media portal configuration, under TV settings, advanced options, I switched to UNC paths instead of the default RSS, and it's working very well. Sure I had to figure out the paths, but no big deal.
Maybe helpful for someone in the future. Thanks for the...
Ok, so perhaps a solution, but not the "right" solution. On the client, within media portal configuration, under TV settings...
Hi folks. I have an issue with a new install/integration into my mediaportal system. I have a “mediaportal server” which has the TV...