Reaver returns... (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 28, 2006
Hey everyone!

My name is Reaver. Some of the old timers that hang around on the forums may remember me from a long time ago. I've been using mediaportal since version .08.

I used to be pretty heavily involved in this community, but unfortunately, I just didn't really have too much time to devote to it, so I had to leave. I regretted it, but know I feel like I should become involved once again.

I'm glad to see that both the community and the developers have been busting their butts to make this one of the best HTPC applications available. :D

When I left mediaportal, I chose to go with MCE 2005, due to the fact that mediaportal was pretty unreliable at the time. I am happy to say that this is not the case any longer, and I have been using mediaportal again for several months without any issues.

I'm running the latest version .2.2.0 with the latest svn patch and the new TVServer. So far everything seems to be working properly after reformatting the machine and starting from scratch.

When I first installed the new TVServer, I couldn't get the TV Guide to work properly, and now everything works like it should.

Anyways, I'm going to jump right back it to what I was doing when I left the community. I'm going to start designing a theme that's completely different than anything we currently have (I hope).

However, I'm possibly going to need some help with this, as I know nothing about XML, or programming skins in Mediaportal. I'm a graphics guy, so writing code isn't really my strong suit.

Before I can do that though, I have a question...

Can the Basic Home screen be made to scroll vertically? Like the standard menu screen?

Now, let's conquer the world with our superior HTPC App!


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Welcome back!

    I think I've heard your name somewhere... don't know where, but I belive it was graphic-related.


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2006
    Yup! You're right, it was graphics related. I was helping the original developer of Blue2 with something when I left. I don't know what happened to it, it probably died with me....



    Portal Member
    November 28, 2006
    Thanks for the tip dude! I don't want to get this thread too off track, so I'll go post a question in the skinning thread. Doesn't look like to many people remember me around here :'(

    Oh well, that means I get to make lots of new friends!


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 16, 2005
    I think I came here around 0.0.9 so looks like I jut missed you.
    Great to meet you now, though :)

    I guess all the "older" people are busy coding and haven't been past to say hello.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 7, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    We never spoke, heck I didn't actually sign on to the forums for some time after I started watching this app, but I do recall seeing you on the forums.

    Good to hear you're back in action.

    I really think MediaPortal has hit critical mass and can only go thermonuclear from here on.

    (If that's not the corniest statement anyone has made about MediaPortal then I don't know what is)

    Anyway, you get what I mean.


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