Recording Woes, please help (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 9, 2005
I'm new to this product so go easy on me:)

I am running 2.0 RC1 witha Hauppage WinTV card (S/W Encoding)
My CPU is a 3.2GHZ w/ 2GB memory Intel.

My recording path is set to d:\media\tv

I can watch TV fine, when I try to record, i see a 100k file created w/ the program name in d:\media\tv
Then I see a card1 folder created in d:\media\tv\card1 but no files are in here.

I've tried using the DIVXPRO codec as well as the FFDSHOW codec for recording but no luck on either.

Any help here would be great. Everything else seems to work except this :(

Here is my mediaportla.log

11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM dbs:close:FolderDatabase2.db3
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM dbs:close:programDatabaseV3.db3
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM Mediaportal is starting up
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM dbs:close:RadioDatabase4.db3
11/9/2005 9:38:43 AM dbs:close:musicdatabase4.db3
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM verify that directx 9 is installed
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Check if mediaportal is already started
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM delete old log\capture.log file...
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Check skin version
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Init playlist player
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM creating the WINLIRC device
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Initialising WinLirc...
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Winlirc process not found
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM done creating the WINLIRC device
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM Init players
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM initializing DirectX
11/9/2005 9:38:44 AM MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
11/9/2005 9:38:45 AM MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
11/9/2005 9:38:45 AM texturemanager:dispose()
11/9/2005 9:38:45 AM TexturePacker:Dispose()
11/9/2005 9:38:45 AM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:45 AM load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\mce\packedgfx0.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\mce\packedgfx1.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Load fonts from skin\mce\fonts.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:46 AM Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Load skin mce
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM LoadWindowPlugins()
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\DotMSN.dll
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Opening music database
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[artist]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[album]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[genre]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[path]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[albuminfo]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[artistinfo]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable:[song]
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM music database opened
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Loading references from skin\mce\references.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM original skin size:720x576
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM Init MPScript
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM opening tvdatabase
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblversion
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: channel
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblPrograms
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: genre
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: recording
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: canceledseries
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: recorded
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblATSCMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblGroups
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblGroupMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblChannelCard
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblNotifies
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM AddTable: tblEPGMapping
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM tvdatabase opened
11/9/2005 9:38:47 AM xml:skin\mce\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM xml:skin\mce\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM WindowManager.Load
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM load calibration720x576.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM WindowManager.Preinitialize
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:246415360
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM WindowManager.ActivateWindow
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM xml:skin\mce\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:246415360
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\background.png total:2 mem left:246415360
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM skin initialized
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM DX9 size: 720x576
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM video ram left:240640 KByte
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM running...
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM Mediaportal.OnStartup()
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM Recorder: tv channel changed:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM open folderdatabase
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM AddTable:[path]
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM AddTable:[setting]
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM PlugInManager.Load()
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
11/9/2005 9:38:48 AM PlugInManager.Start()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Total Memory allocated:3.12 MB
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM tv home init:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=7 WHDH ts:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:7 WHDH tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: find free card
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: found free card 1 prio:1 name:General S/W encoding card
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: start watching on card:1 channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Card:1 CreateGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Emu10Kx Audio [DF20]
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:found video preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:found video capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:preview FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Card:1 start viewing :7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:confused:tart viewing
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:7
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to 175.25 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:NTSC_M cable:True
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Find crossbar:#1
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM crossbar found:1
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM crossbar has 12 inputs and 2 outputs
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#3->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#5->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#6->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#9->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#10->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM check:in#11->out#1 / Audio_AUX -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Find crossbar:#2
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM crossbar routing done
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:render video preview
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:render preview
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VideoCaptureDevice:render preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:Get overlay interfaces
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:confused:how overlay
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:enable deinterlace
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:run graph
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(650,367)
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM teletext: grab teletext for card:General S/W encoding card
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: time to record 'Live With Regis and Kelly' on channel:7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM id:9 priority:2147483640 quality:NotSet Once
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: find free capture card
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:True recording:False timeshifting:False channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Recorder: using card:1 prio:1
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Card:1 DeleteGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:DeleteGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:confused:topViewing()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:DeleteGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Card:1 record Live With Regis and Kelly on 7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM Card:1 CreateGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:04 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Emu10Kx Audio [DF20]
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:found video preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:found video capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice:preview FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM Card:1 start recording content:False
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM Card:1 recording to file:D:\Media\tv\7 WHDH_Live With Regis and
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:confused:tart recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:AddCompressors()
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add video compressor DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add audio compressor PCM
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:set audio input pin:Line-In
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM Load settings card:1
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM ex:mscorlib at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at DirectX.Capture.FilterPersist.LoadSettings(Int32 ID) Could not find file "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\filters\card1_Video Compressor.dat".
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:record to :D:\Media\tv\7 WHDH_Live With Regis and Kelly_200511090900p395.avi
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:ConnectCompressors()
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:videocap:connect video capture->compressor (interleaved)
11/9/2005 9:39:05 AM SWGraph:videocap:connect video capture->compressor (video)
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:audiocap:connect audio capture->compressor
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:set audio as masterstream
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:set avi interleave mode
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:7
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to 175.25 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:NTSC_M cable:True
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Find crossbar:#1
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM crossbar found:1
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM crossbar has 12 inputs and 2 outputs
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#3->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#5->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#6->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#9->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#10->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM check:in#11->out#1 / Audio_AUX -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Find crossbar:#2
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM crossbar routing done
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM SWGraph:recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: recording started 'Live With Regis and Kelly' on channel:7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM id:9 priority:2147483640 quality:NotSet
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: recording state changed
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:7 WHDH tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:True timeshifting:True channel:7 WHDH id:9
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: Found card:1
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM playingFalse radio:False
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM g_Player.Play(D:\Media\tv\card1\
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM player:ended
11/9/2005 9:39:07 AM teletext: grab teletext for card:General S/W encoding card
11/9/2005 9:39:15 AM Recorder: Stop recording card:1 channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:17 AM Card:1 stop recording
11/9/2005 9:39:17 AM SWGraph:stop recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:17 AM SWGraph:DeleteGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:stopped recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM opening video database
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: bookmark
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: genre
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: genrelinkmovie
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: movie
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: movieinfo
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: actorlinkmovie
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: actors
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: path
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: files
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: resume
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: duration
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: actorinfo
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM AddTable: actorinfomovies
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM video database opened
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: recording ended 'Live With Regis and Kelly' on channel:7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM id:9 priority:2147483640 quality:NotSet
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: recording state changed
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Card:1 DeleteGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM tv home stoprecording chan:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=7 WHDH ts:False
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:7 WHDH tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: find free card
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: found free card 1 prio:1 name:General S/W encoding card
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Recorder: start watching on card:1 channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Card:1 CreateGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Emu10Kx Audio [DF20]
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:found video preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:found video capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:preview FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Card:1 start viewing :7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:confused:tart viewing
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:7
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to 175.25 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:NTSC_M cable:True
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Find crossbar:#1
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM crossbar found:1
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM crossbar has 12 inputs and 2 outputs
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#3->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#5->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#6->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#9->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#10->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM check:in#11->out#1 / Audio_AUX -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM Find crossbar:#2
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM crossbar routing done
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:render video preview
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:render preview
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM VideoCaptureDevice:render preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:Get overlay interfaces
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:confused:how overlay
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:enable deinterlace
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph:run graph
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(650,367)
11/9/2005 9:39:18 AM teletext: grab teletext for card:General S/W encoding card
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(301,108)
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenuBottomRight init
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(301,108)
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:20 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(650,367)
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(301,108)
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: capture size:320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: source position:(0,0)-(320,240)
11/9/2005 9:39:21 AM SWGraph: dest position:(300,107)-(650,367)
11/9/2005 9:39:22 AM Recorder:record now:7 WHDH program:Live With Regis and Kelly
11/9/2005 9:39:22 AM Recorder: start: 11/9/2005 9:00 AM
11/9/2005 9:39:22 AM Recorder: end : 11/9/2005 10:00 AM
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Recorder: time to record 'Live With Regis and Kelly' on channel:7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM id:10 priority:2147483639 quality:NotSet Once
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Recorder: find free capture card
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:True recording:False timeshifting:False channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Recorder: using card:1 prio:1
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Card:1 DeleteGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM SWGraph:DeleteGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM SWGraph:confused:topViewing()
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM SWGraph:DeleteGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Card:1 record Live With Regis and Kelly on 7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM
11/9/2005 9:39:23 AM Card:1 CreateGraph
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph()
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device Emu10Kx Audio [DF20]
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:found video preview pin
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:found video capture pin
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->320x240
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice:preview FrameRate set to 25
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM Card:1 start recording content:False
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM Card:1 recording to file:D:\Media\tv\7 WHDH_Live With Regis and
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:confused:tart recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec...
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter PCM...
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:AddCompressors()
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add video compressor DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:CreateGraph() add audio compressor PCM
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:set audio input pin:Line-In
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM Load settings card:1
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM ex:mscorlib at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at DirectX.Capture.FilterPersist.LoadSettings(Int32 ID) Could not find file "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\filters\card1_Video Compressor.dat".
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:record to :D:\Media\tv\7 WHDH_Live With Regis and Kelly_200511090900p3924.avi
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:ConnectCompressors()
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:videocap:connect video capture->compressor (interleaved)
11/9/2005 9:39:24 AM SWGraph:videocap:connect video capture->compressor (video)
11/9/2005 9:39:27 AM SWGraph:audiocap:connect audio capture->compressor
11/9/2005 9:39:27 AM SWGraph:set audio as masterstream
11/9/2005 9:39:27 AM SWGraph:set avi interleave mode
11/9/2005 9:39:27 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:7
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to 175.25 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:NTSC_M cable:True
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Find crossbar:#1
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM crossbar found:1
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM crossbar has 12 inputs and 2 outputs
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#3->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#5->out#0 / Video_AUX -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#6->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM connect
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM connect success
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#9->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#10->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM check:in#11->out#1 / Audio_AUX -> Video_Tuner
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Find crossbar:#2
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM crossbar routing done
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM SWGraph:recording...
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: recording started 'Live With Regis and Kelly' on channel:7 WHDH from 9:00:00 AM-10:00:00 AM id:10 priority:2147483639 quality:NotSet
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: recording state changed
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:7 WHDH tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:True timeshifting:True channel:7 WHDH id:10
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:7 WHDH
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: Found card:1
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM playingFalse radio:False
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM g_Player.Play(D:\Media\tv\card1\
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM player:ended
11/9/2005 9:39:28 AM teletext: grab teletext for card:General S/W encoding card


Portal Member
November 9, 2005
After many attempts I still cna't get it past creating a 110k file that looks more like a screenshot file.

Sample filename:

7 WHDH_Live With Regis and Kelly_200511090900p395.avi

This is in d:\media\tv

These are the only files ever being created when i select record.


Portal Pro
April 28, 2005
Falls Church, VA
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
sberube said:
Your log is quite long.
Please close MP. Open MP and try to record, then close MP and then paste your log here.

Can you fill out the support template as well (on of the stickies in this forum).

What settings are you using for DivX? (I wouldn't use FFDSHOW, btw...)


Portal Member
November 5, 2005

Too much detail to start with! Go slowly through the debug/test process, post all your details using the form provided; I got answers when people knew what graphics card I had even thought I would never have thought it would have been a problem!

Your problem does sound like codec problems. I had a situation when (and I must admit it wasn't with Media Portal - as I have tried many) the recorded file 'crept' up in size; started and stopped; and, eventually just stopped. The resulting recorded video was good quality but just bitty; al down to a codec problem.

What codecs have you got loaded?



Portal Member
November 9, 2005
Here is all the required information.

Area: Media Portal Recording
MP Version: 2.0 RC1
Skin: Default
Windows Version: XP Service Pack 2
CPU Type: Intel 3.2Ghz w/ HT
Memory: 2GIG
Motherboard Chipset: Dell
Video Card: TI GeForce 5200
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1280x1024
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: DIVX Pro 5.2.0
Audio Codec Type & Version: PCM
TV Card: Hauppauge WinTV 88x
TV Card Type: Software
TV Card Driver: 2.99.22145.0

Synopsis: When I try to record, nothing is saved. a 100 k file is created which appears to be a screenshot, a card1 folder is created but no files/data are being saved. If I stop recording, nothing is moved to card1 or stored there.

Cleaned up logs in next mail.


Portal Member
November 9, 2005
Actually I finally got it to record. But I have another question. Is it not possible to watch the show i'm recording while recording? (I read the manual that this can't be done w/ a software encoder, but I just wanted to verify)



Portal Member
November 9, 2005

Can you tell what you did to make the recorder work?
I have got the same problem and have tried all the codecs I could get my hand on.

Ps. why is it so difficult in MP to use a S/W card.
With ShowShifter I had no problem with recording and timeshifting.
I started with MP because of the better looks an the potential.
Now I read that the S/W card are no longer supported!? :(

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