Remote Button for Topbar? (1 Viewer)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    How about a Show Topbar option when configuring your remote? Right now, I can find an option to set remote conditions based on the Window Topbar, but when I try to set a button to Show the Topbar, there is no Show Topbar option listed under Actions - Window.

    I really hate it when I am scrolling up in a menu and I always end up on the Topbar and actually have to move my finger to press the down key to get back. :D

    So I'd like to change the navigation in all my menus to just rotate among the menu buttons

    Before you say it, yes I know I can turn off the topbar, but I do need it sometimes, and I love it for quick exit of MP.

    BTW I am confused, what is the difference between this forum and Improvement Suggestions - MediaPortal Forum ?

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