Removing the miniview. (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 15, 2005

I'm curious, is there any way to completly remove the miniview which is shown in the menus after you exit the movieplayer? In other words, I want MP to be dead quiet after I press escape. In my opinion the miniview is just an annoyance.

Also, when I bring up the OSD during movie playback, the movie get darkened, is this also possible to remove?

Keep up the good work.


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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    1) I "fear" this is only possible by editing the code and compile your own MP version.

    2) I assume (you could have filled out the support template), that you have set overlay as video renderer, set it to VMR9 renderless.



    New Member
    November 15, 2005
    FlipGer said:

    1) I "fear" this is only possible by editing the code and compile your own MP version.


    2) I assume (you could have filled out the support template), that you have set overlay as video renderer, set it to VMR9 renderless.


    Hm. Overlay is the only renderer I seem to be able to use if I want to use the OSD at all. The others make the movie lag seconds behind. Probably due to lowend gfx adapter (Geforce MX400).

    And correct, I stand ashamed. Stupid mistake not filling it out. *slaps own wrists*.

    I will try to correct my wrongdoings by filling it now ;).

    Area: Media Portal Program
    MediaPortal Version: 0.2.0 - RC1
    MediaPortal Skin: MCE
    Windows Version: Windows XP - SP2
    .NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
    Audio Codec: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
    Video Codec: NVIDIA Video Decoder
    CPU Type: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
    Memory: 1 GB
    Motherboard Chipset: nForce2
    TV Card Model: AverTV PCI
    Video Card Model: Geforce MX400
    Video Card Resolution: 720×360
    Video Render Type: Overlay
    Audio Card Model: Yamaha

    Synopsis:: Overlay mode is only video renderer that have acceptable OSD support. However, it darkens the movie during playback. Other rendermodes can not handle both OSD and video rendering, video lags behind.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    jep. Sorry to say that, but your graphics card is to old. MP renders its GUI like a game and uses many DirectX enhancements. VMR9 works well with suiteable cards, the overlay support of MP is unfortunatly not as good. You should consider to buy a DX9 card.

    ATi: 9550 and above
    nVidia: 5200FX and above

    HTH, Flip. ;)


    New Member
    November 15, 2005
    FlipGer said:

    jep. Sorry to say that, but your graphics card is to old. MP renders its GUI like a game and uses many DirectX enhancements. VMR9 works well with suiteable cards, the overlay support of MP is unfortunatly not as good. You should consider to buy a DX9 card.

    ATi: 9550 and above
    nVidia: 5200FX and above

    HTH, Flip. ;)

    Or just live with the darkness ;). The thing is that im going to put the damn thing in a very very small box. Which means using the onboard hardware. I guess I have to go back to the original plan and stick with an alternative. And use MP for my next project which is larger and meaner :D.


    New Member
    November 15, 2005
    Callifo said:
    Slightly more expensive option, get a newer board with good onboard video (new nvidia 6150) then which come in mATX.

    Well I have a working solution, I just wanted to try some more options. I had this mainboard lying around so I thought I might just try it. Im about to build a more modern system and will stick with more highend stuff then. This solution cost me about 100$ to get up going and it works perfectly well considering that price. The only thing I really miss is proper game support. But I guess that will have to wait until version two. :D.

    This box will be for my bedroom tv and the other for my livingroom with more power, so no biggie really. I just have to move into the livingroom for the Mame.

    By the way, can I switch to mysql or similiar without messing with the code? Thru odbc or something with MP?

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