Request: Eventghost plugin (2 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden

    I'm intererster in having a plugin that can create events in Eventghost from Media Portal. Today the message plugin can be used to send command to MP but I want to have the feedback to EG. For instance, it would be nice to get all the info that is sent to the Display plugin and get that back in Eventghost.


    Luca Brasi

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  • November 14, 2007
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    AW: Request: Eventghost plugin

    I'd love to see that too. Searched for the possibility the other day, couldn't find anything.
    Unfortunately my programming skills are zero.


    MP Donator
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  • October 14, 2007
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    AW: Request: Eventghost plugin

    I'm also waiting for this feature.


    MP Donator
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    But what would be the plus value compare to the MediaPortal plugin for EG?

    Well, you could generate events on changes in MP, like dimming up the lights when pause is pressed or switching your receiver to Stereo mode when you enter the Music section.


    Portal Pro
    January 5, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    You could use it to send a message to your TV backend and make it reboot or do anything you want.

    I found a really complicated but usable workaround a while ago however:

    You can send messages to eventghost using the command line like this:
    evenghost -e <event>
    So I set up batch files for the different events I wanted to trigger and used the Multishortcut plugin for Mediaportal to run the batch files from the homescreen.

    It's a bit roundabout but it works.

    A dedicated plugin would be better though, as you could use it to send events to eventghost on any mediaportal event, such as the examples above.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    You could use it to send a message to your TV backend and make it reboot or do anything you want.

    I found a really complicated but usable workaround a while ago however:

    You can send messages to eventghost using the command line like this:
    evenghost -e <event>
    So I set up batch files for the different events I wanted to trigger and used the Multishortcut plugin for Mediaportal to run the batch files from the homescreen.

    It's a bit roundabout but it works.

    A dedicated plugin would be better though, as you could use it to send events to eventghost on any mediaportal event, such as the examples above.

    You could do easier. Just enable keyboard plugin in EG and affect macro to a shortcut key.


    MP Donator
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  • September 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Either way, all work around suffer from the same thing, it is only one-way communication. If you use your keyboard to enter a menu, you're lost. That is why we need this kind of plugin

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