Dear Media portal-developers, I want to inform you about the Software Freedom day that we are organising at August the 28 in Tilburg. We use the building of TOSTI-Tilburg (The Open Source Test Initiative) an open source promotion organisation.
We want to show all sorts of open source projects. We would really like it,if you are willing to show your project there.
For more info (in Dutch) see: http://softwarefreedomday.org/wiki/index.php/Netherlands
and http://www.tostitilburg.nl/
Grtz Bas!
We want to show all sorts of open source projects. We would really like it,if you are willing to show your project there.
For more info (in Dutch) see: http://softwarefreedomday.org/wiki/index.php/Netherlands
and http://www.tostitilburg.nl/
Grtz Bas!