TV-Server Version: 1.0.1
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.1
MediaPortal Skin: Blue3wide
Windows Version: Vista SP1
CPU Type: Intel P4 3Ghz
Memory: 2GB DDR2
Motherboard: Intel
Video Card: MSI Radeon X300
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: Onboard HD audio
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: FloppyDTV
1. TV Card Type: DVB-C
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card: FloppyDTV
2. TV Card Type: DVB-C
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Vista default
h.264 Video Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
TV - HTPC Connection:
When I schedule a TV program that is currently running, sometimes the recording starts too late. I believe the recording should start immediately. Description:
1) Go the the TV guide;
2) Right click on a current running program;
3) Select "3 Record" in the popup window;
4) Select "Record" on the top left;
In the attached logs, the recording started after one minute, but the gap has been more than 10 minutes at several occasions. Here's a log entry where the gap was 2.5 minutes:
Like I said, the recording should start right away and this should be handled by the TV-server, not the client. After the OnNewSchedule() function has been called, the TV-server should check if it should start recording.
Thanks for looking into this. I think the new tv server is working great, and very reliable, except for this one issue.
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.1
MediaPortal Skin: Blue3wide
Windows Version: Vista SP1
CPU Type: Intel P4 3Ghz
Memory: 2GB DDR2
Motherboard: Intel
Video Card: MSI Radeon X300
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: Onboard HD audio
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: FloppyDTV
1. TV Card Type: DVB-C
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card: FloppyDTV
2. TV Card Type: DVB-C
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Vista default
h.264 Video Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
TV - HTPC Connection:
When I schedule a TV program that is currently running, sometimes the recording starts too late. I believe the recording should start immediately. Description:
1) Go the the TV guide;
2) Right click on a current running program;
3) Select "3 Record" in the popup window;
4) Select "Record" on the top left;
In the attached logs, the recording started after one minute, but the gap has been more than 10 minutes at several occasions. Here's a log entry where the gap was 2.5 minutes:
MP log:
2009-04-19 14:57:08.797967 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: TvPlugin.TVProgramInfo init
2009-04-19 14:57:10.558967 [Debug][MPMain]: TVProgammInfo.OnRecordProgram - programm = InFocus(ID:0) on 138 19-4-2009 14:25:00 - 19-4-2009 15:00:00
2009-04-19 14:57:10.570967 [Debug][MPMain]: TVProgramInfo.CreateProgram: program = InFocus(ID:0) on 138 19-4-2009 14:25:00 - 19-4-2009 15:00:00
2009-04-19 14:57:10.571967 [Debug][MPMain]: TVProgramInfo.CreateProgram - no series schedule
2009-04-19 14:57:10.651967 [Debug][MPMain]: TVProgramInfo.CreateProgram - conflicts.Count = 0
2009-04-19 14:57:10.651967 [Debug][MPMain]: TVProgramInfo.CreateProgram - create schedule = InFocus on 138 19-4-2009 14:25:00 - 19-4-2009 15:00:00 ID=0
TV-server log:
2009-04-19 14:59:28.226967 [Scheduler timer]: Recording InFocus added in _recordingsInProgressList
2009-04-19 14:59:28.228967 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : time to record TvDatabase.Channel 19-4-2009 14:59:28-19-4-2009 15:00:00 InFocus
Like I said, the recording should start right away and this should be handled by the TV-server, not the client. After the OnNewSchedule() function has been called, the TV-server should check if it should start recording.
Thanks for looking into this. I think the new tv server is working great, and very reliable, except for this one issue.