[USER=26659]knubile[/USER]:watch out for vaeanu, or pm him. He is taking his work on the early skin he made (cosmicmyth) up again. he made a different looking home. could be used with touchscreen (but only home). But that was before the scrolling menues were implemented. but maybe you can work this out together.but your question is rather basic. what does home do. best grab yourself an irc client and go to #mediaportal chatroom, where you can meet frodo often.tomtom21000
watch out for vaeanu, or pm him. He is taking his work on the early skin he made (cosmicmyth) up again. he made a different looking home. could be used with touchscreen (but only home). But that was before the scrolling menues were implemented. but maybe you can work this out together.
but your question is rather basic. what does home do. best grab yourself an irc client and go to #mediaportal chatroom, where you can meet frodo often.