So you think this is a good idea [USER=10277]frodo[/USER], MarioDon´t jump too short with this. If you show up activated plugins in the my plugins section, I can see the posts coming in here every day:"Can´t I have the My games" plugin on the home screen""Can´t I have the "My Mails" plugin on the home screen, I use it so oftenor "I dont want the "weather" on the home screen. I don´t use it very often.Think about the suggestion in my first post (see quotation). Let the user make the choise. It is a more flexible concept. No bad idea. Something like a compromise between my plugins and my suggestion. Still personally, I do not like it so much. I like to find things where I expect them. I guess all the more my wife. Those flexible menues is the first thing I switch of when getting an MS word or Excel environment.tomtom21000
So you think this is a good idea
[USER=10277]frodo[/USER], Mario
Don´t jump too short with this. If you show up activated plugins in the my plugins section, I can see the posts coming in here every day:
"Can´t I have the My games" plugin on the home screen"
"Can´t I have the "My Mails" plugin on the home screen, I use it so often
or "I dont want the "weather" on the home screen. I don´t use it very often.
Think about the suggestion in my first post (see quotation). Let the user make the choise. It is a more flexible concept.
No bad idea. Something like a compromise between my plugins and my suggestion. Still personally, I do not like it so much. I like to find things where I expect them. I guess all the more my wife. Those flexible menues is the first thing I switch of when getting an MS word or Excel environment.