Set up 2 x Moving Pictures on Home? (1 Viewer)

monkey butle

Portal Member
February 2, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi All,

I've looked into this a little on here but haven't yet found a decent solution.

I'm using the Moving Pictures plugin (which I love) to watch my films. however ideally i'd like a way to access "Family Films" from the Home menu, completely seperate from "My Films".

I realise that although i have them stored in seperate folders MP will group them all together. I also realise that i could have a genre view, but I don't really want that, i really want a Home menu option.

So far the only potential solution i can see to this is to have 2 seperate plugins - Moving Pictures for "My Films" and another movie plugin for "Family Films". Anyone tried this, or got a better solution that I haven't tried yet?

Thanks in advance!


Paranoid Delusion

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    Well if you use a skin like StreamedMP, its already setup to have Movies and Videos enabled on home screen, Movies uses MovingPictures and Video uses own internal database, so you could do things with both, now who gets the snazzy backdrops and the auto detection :)

    This is of course until MovingPictures can fully support this on its own.

    monkey butle

    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well if you use a skin like StreamedMP, its already setup to have Movies and Videos enabled on home screen, Movies uses MovingPictures and Video uses own internal database, so you could do things with both, now who gets the snazzy backdrops and the auto detection :)

    This is of course until MovingPictures can fully support this on its own.

    But i'm currently using Moving Pictures plugin to play my films, and My Videos to play my home movies (camcorder and phone video media), therefore i don't currently have a "spare" function for the family content,


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well if you use a skin like StreamedMP, its already setup to have Movies and Videos enabled on home screen, Movies uses MovingPictures and Video uses own internal database, so you could do things with both, now who gets the snazzy backdrops and the auto detection :)

    This is of course until MovingPictures can fully support this on its own.

    But i'm currently using Moving Pictures plugin to play my films, and My Videos to play my home movies (camcorder and phone video media), therefore i don't currently have a "spare" function for the family content,

    My EXACT problem, even down to what content I'm showing. Having our movies, the kids 'family' films & personal home movies such as holidays is the obvious split.

    The way round it until moving pictures is able to run two instances could be to use 'myfilms' plugin for kids, as I do. The auto-download & scan thing is much more awkward to set up with that though.

    The other way is to set up multiple folders within 'videos' & navigate between the two, again not so intuitive but a decent temporary measure.

    monkey butle

    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well if you use a skin like StreamedMP, its already setup to have Movies and Videos enabled on home screen, Movies uses MovingPictures and Video uses own internal database, so you could do things with both, now who gets the snazzy backdrops and the auto detection :)

    This is of course until MovingPictures can fully support this on its own.

    But i'm currently using Moving Pictures plugin to play my films, and My Videos to play my home movies (camcorder and phone video media), therefore i don't currently have a "spare" function for the family content,

    My EXACT problem, even down to what content I'm showing. Having our movies, the kids 'family' films & personal home movies such as holidays is the obvious split.

    The way round it until moving pictures is able to run two instances could be to use 'myfilms' plugin for kids, as I do. The auto-download & scan thing is much more awkward to set up with that though.

    The other way is to set up multiple folders within 'videos' & navigate between the two, again not so intuitive but a decent temporary measure.

    I always thought last resort would be another plugin just for the 3rd movie type. It's a shame as MovingPictures is so damn good.

    I'll take a look a MyFilms plugin sometime this weekend - is it any good?


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I always thought last resort would be another plugin just for the 3rd movie type. It's a shame as MovingPictures is so damn good.

    I'll take a look a MyFilms plugin sometime this weekend - is it any good?

    I'm probably not the best person to ask cos I havent got to grips with it yet. It's prob cos I'm doing something wrong but the covers it downloads are very low quality & I cant get it to auto-update yet either. I'm sure once I've played round with it for a while my views'll change, but at present Moving Pictures is just better cos it works 'out of the box'. The 'category' section that it has would be ace in Moving Pictures though, you can set up two different databases, I have 'Classics' & 'Kids' & although it defaults with kids films you can select to swap over to the classics fairly simply.

    monkey butle

    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    For info, I played around with the various options yesterday for a few hours. I initially thought i'd dump the home movies for now, and put the family films under the My Videos section. However to get the cover art working was taking an age, having to do it manually one at a time, and the results were not great.

    I've therefore gone back to using My Videos for my (although i'm getting no sound playing MOV files).

    I've added a second folder to my Moving Pictures set up so it now looks like this:

    D:\Media\My Films\Family Films
    D:\Media\My Films\Grown Up Films

    By doing it this way, and then using the Moving Pictures config tool i can re-order the list by folder. This way it sorts alphabetically on all of the family films first, then the adults second, again in alphabetic order.

    It's not perfect but it does work very well. Also discovered that i can use the text / alpha buttons on my Harmony remote to skip directly to letters in the list view, so i can jump almost instantly to adult films.

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