Setup help with MediaPortal and "For The Record" (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 20, 2010
Home Country
Norway Norway
Hey guys!

I'm having some difficulties understanding this 4TR thing.

I want the better scheduling and the ability to schedule via Web. - That's it!

How do I want to setup this? And do I really need Argus? Should I choose Argus/MP TV Server while installing?

I'm confused!

I'm happy with MP TV-server, it does what it should. I don't want to replace it or anything.

Is 4TR a complete new front-end now or what?

Please help me here.

Check the attachment. Is this correct? I've already installed MP TV Server + Client. Do I need to choose Argus or MP TV Server here?


  • 4tr.jpg
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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi :)

    And do I really need Argus?
    If you do not want it, leave it.

    Is 4TR a complete new front-end now or what?
    New frontend fot the TV side, yes.

    Is this correct? I've already installed MP TV Server + Client. Do I need to choose Argus or MP TV Server here?
    You need to select one of the recorders as well.

    And then also select the management console.


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2010
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    So the management console will always use https for connecting to the core server? Even though it's on the same computer?

    So Argus is actually a complete replacement for the MP TV Server?
    But they are still dependent of a client for the 4tr? It's not standalone?

    So if I choose argus, it will setup a brand new Argus TV Server? But if I select MP TV Server, it will ADD functionality to the already installed MP TV Server?

    So even though I've already installed Media Portal TV Server, I have to choose it in the 4tr installer?

    Sorry for asking all these questions, but I just want to know how all of this works. :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi again...are you sure you have enough questions in that post...want to add a few more? :D

    Just kidding.

    But seriously, I would recommend that you rather ask the inside detail on the FortheRecord forums.

    Some of the answers:
    yes, argus can replace TVServer totally. Thrn you can still install the MP Client if you want to use it on MP.
    yes, even if tvserver is installed, you must still select it in the 4TR installer. It will install a plugin to your MP TVServer.


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2010
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Oh yeah, I can find a lot of questions;)

    Everything is much clearer now. I guess I'll start installing in about one hour.
    Hopefully I will come through the rest of the installation.

    Thanks again!:D

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