Shortcut into plugins from My Videos (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 14, 2005
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand

Just wondering if there is anything about that fits my needs or an alternative way around it. Basically I have 3 areas for my videos at the moment
Moving Pictures Plugin
TV Series Plugin
Folders for Music Videos etc

Is there a shortcut plugin that if I go to My Videos I can choose either from Moving Pictures for movies, TV Series and other selected folders just to browse?
I would quite like to have a folder called Movies that opens moving pictures, a folder called TV that opens the TV Series plugin and then be able to add in any other folders that open as a standard browsing folder.

Hope this makes sense.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Actually I am pretty sure this is possible, just via the skin engine. I am not sure how to do it but you may try asking over in the skinning forum. Because I think you can at least create a button that will launch another plug-in/window.

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