Shuffle, Recursive and Repeat in My Pictures (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 1, 2005
I have two main uses for my pictures - either randomly showing all my pics (i.e. shuffle recursive and repeat) or showing a particular set in order (none of them).

One of the things that bugged me is that to change between these two options you have to go all the way into the settings and back again.

So I did something about it and added the options to the My Pictures screen for easy access.

Now for some questions:
1. What does everybody think (see attached screen shot)?
2. How do I get this submitted? (I have updated GUIPictures.cs, strings.xml and the skin)
3. What is common practive for the strings.xml? I have only altered the english one because i have no idea of the translations. Should I put the english version in all of them?


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