A way to get free/cheap calls... and and update like NAV so that it only downloads the updated files... saving on bandwith, time, and don't have to reinstall.
Hi all,
I don't frequently update my MediaPortal and before seeing if it's really useful I used to browse the Changelog to determine if this update is necessary for my system or not.
Today I wanted to check the Changelog for version 1.34 (1.31 installed on my system) and I was asked for a “Jira” login. I tried to use the same one as...
Hi all,
I don't frequently update my MediaPortal and before seeing if it's really useful I used to browse the Changelog to...
Hi all,
I don't frequently update my MediaPortal and before seeing if it's really useful I used to browse the Changelog to...
What's the best way to select a different backdrop?
Sometimes the first selected backdrop is not great and I'd like to select another.
Moving Pictures scales down the high res pictures and shrinks the filesize as well so I can't just go to fanart or themoviedb and get the images without doing some extra work to get the file right...
What's the best way to select a different backdrop?
Sometimes the first selected backdrop is not great and I'd like to select...
What's the best way to select a different backdrop?
Sometimes the first selected backdrop is not great and I'd like to select...