Slow browsing (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 8, 2009
Got a small problem with when i browse my video folder got about 50+ movies in the folder and when i scroll down in the video folder it takes time to scroll down like some process is working and its chewing a bit but eventualy it goes better to browse.If i compare it to mce 2005 which is much more fluent when i broswe the folders with my videos is there anything i can do to improve the browsing speed in mediaportal?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Slow browsing could be down to your hardware, if you give the specs for your pc then this can be confirmed or eliminated.

    or check the manual requirements page for min hardware for both SD and HD playback.


    New Member
    March 8, 2009
    The hardware is fine, dont have problem with playback only with browsing in the video folder.Runs without any problems on mce 2005 like i wrote but here is my specs...

    E5200,4gig ram,Asus Radeon HD 3450


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  • December 6, 2007
    Germany, Bayern
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    Hungary Hungary
    I have the same problem:

    - slow browsing of my Videos (I use and want to use only "shares" view as I have home videos, films for the kids and TV recordings inside), mainly changing folder takes several seconds
    - the problem came with time (growing video collection)
    - starting playback takes 5 sec for audio, 10 sec for video (first I have audio only), annoying

    If I change folder as browsing in MP, I can see continuous activity of the harddrive, and long lag of browsing. For me it looks like some caching/thumbnailing/database-update. Can I deactivate this? I don´t need the video database of MP (moving picture for my movies folder is enpugh and perfect)! In MPConfiguration I can uncheck the drives to scan but the next time they are checked again always.

    Vista indexing is deactivated. Browsing in windows explorer is very fast. Deleting video database file does not help.

    my Setup:
    AMD X3 8450, 780G/HD3200, 2 GB PC800 RAM
    Vista 32bit SP2
    MP 1.0.2 single-seat, no SVN

    Please help!


    Shame on me! I found the solution myself by analysing the log files :) There were errors to see, but not with the video database as I thought!
    There was a Database corruption in the "folder......db3" , not in the videodatabase, which I deleted. I removed the "folder....bd3" (booting into secure mode I could do it only) and the problem was gone!

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