Sluggish video playback after wake-up (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 3, 2005
I noticed that video playback is sluggish when waking up from standby, really annoying. To work around it, I have to close MP and reopen it. Only then video playback would be fine.
I also noticed that when waking up from standby, UI animations are slow as well.

Anyone else experienced it? what could be the reason, MP itself, video card?

(I'm using 2.0 CVS, but it happens also with 1.3)


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  • December 7, 2004
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    If you have the PVR Scheduler set up outside of MP, I believe it can be made to close MP on standby and reinitilise it on startup. This stops the wake-up problems.


    Portal Member
    September 3, 2005
    Thanks Callifo, but is this the recommended practice? Is everone else doing it (using the PVR scheduler)? Or am I the only one experiencing this problem.

    I'm trying to find the cause for this, whether it is an MP bug, or a problem with Direct3D, that somehow, needs to be reinitialized when waking up (I'm using VMR9).

    Anyone has an idea?



    Portal Pro
    July 25, 2005
    Home Country
    I've raised this an an issue in the past, some people seem to have it some don't. I think it is quite a difficult one to work out, as I think it must be specific to the operation of DirectX in combination with particular hardware.

    I found PVR scheduler to be a bit of overkill (especially if you try to track down the BIOS RTC configuration :shock: )

    So I wrote a little app that when it receives a power restore notification, it will kill the MP process, that was originally launched using a process watcher, that will automatically relaunch the process.

    The only painful bit I find with this is the restart time is quite painful with all manner of things poping up on the screen... .splash screens etc...


    Portal Pro
    August 26, 2005
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    Ireland Ireland
    Callifo said:
    If you have the PVR Scheduler set up outside of MP, I believe it can be made to close MP on standby and reinitilise it on startup. This stops the wake-up problems.

    I had the 'black screen' problem using the Power Scheduler plugin. Using PVR Scheduler (which wasn't hard to set up - no BIOS configuration etc.) and setting option to close MP on hibernate and reopen MP on wakeup, I have very few problems now, as MP is basically rebooted every time I hibernate. Once PVR Scheduler is set-up, it integrates seamlessly into MP and I haven't had to open PVR Scheduler since.

    For me, it's made MP much more reliable, so gets my recommendation.



    Portal Member
    September 3, 2005
    Thanks for your input guys.

    Looks like not so many people experience it, which makes me agree to the assumption that it has to be related to a specific mixture of hardware/drivers.

    I will give PVR Scheduler a try and we'll see.


    Portal Member
    September 3, 2005
    Just tried PVR Scheduler, It doesn't work well for me. It does close down MP before standby, but when I turn on the system I get no video signal. Dunno why it happens only when using PVR-S...

    At the meantime, I have also replaced my video card from GF Ti4400 to Nvidia FX6200. The problem still remians. So it's not video card specific...

    What could influence video performance when the computer resumes from standby?

    I need some tips from you guys.


    Portal Pro
    August 26, 2005
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    granx said:
    Just tried PVR Scheduler, It doesn't work well for me. It does close down MP before standby, but when I turn on the system I get no video signal. Dunno why it happens only when using PVR-S...

    Hi, I had this problem using MP's built in Power Scheduler, which is why I use PVR Scheduler. I use hibernate (S4 state) instead of standby (S3), as I find S3 gives me problems on wake-up.

    Give hibernate a go and see if this works. You PC will still wake up to record shows etc.



    Portal Pro
    October 4, 2005
    I'm having this same issue and would like to give PVR Scheduler a try. Where can I download it from? is it the same as "CT PVR Scheduler "


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