Some films not filling the screen (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 2, 2010
Hi all,

Installed mediaportal yesterday after much presure from the guys in work saying to do it :)

All is well except that on some of the films I was just testing last night I get the black borders top and bottom of the movie. My tele is a Hitachi 32LD8D20U A. From reading some of this forum I may need to change the zoom feature on my tele. Looked in the manual last night and in HDMI mode on the tele you cant change it :(

Is there anything else I can do with this?

One other thing I had to do is alter the screen size in the nvidia control panel because at 1280x720 i was missing some screen from around the edge so im actually running a resolution of 1206x680 :mad:

Thanks for your help

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    One other thing I had to do is alter the screen size in the nvidia control panel because at 1280x720 i was missing some screen from around the edge so im actually running a resolution of 1206x680

    Blame Nvidia for that one, when you install a OS, a default generic driver may be used, this will give perfect 1280x720, even when installing drivers for my old 7900gs it was possible to get perfect resolution, now I have a gt220 which will only work with new drivers, which have the wrong screen resolution via hdmi\dvi.

    Answer: if not on Win7, then go back to drivers around the 160-170 point, see if you get 1280x720 without overscan.

    Also you will never totally get rid of top\bottom bars if proper cinema aspect is used, best thing to do is use 14:9 zoom, unless you like really tall\thin people :D


    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    Thanks for your help mate :)

    Is there anyway to change the zoom in mediaportal as I explained above my TV wont let me change in if im in HDMI mode.

    Im on windows 7 HP and a M3N78-EM board using the onboard 8300 for video.

    EDIT. Reading back your post, I installed the latest NForce drivers for my board but I remember seeing in the windows update optional there was a update for the 8300 in that? Would installing this windows driver sort the resolution out?

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Never install Nvidia\ATI drivers from windows, they miss vital components, as I said all Win7 drivers, except the very first beta ones, which came with the Win7 beta release that M$ did for public testing for free have the same problem, OVERSCAN, so as you found you need to use pc resolution (gives wrong aspect ratio), or adjust as you already did.

    Zoom modes are available in the menu whilst playing video, if your lucky enough to have a MCE compatible remote, the blue button cycles through the various zooms.

    Edit, forgot S on keyboard also switches zoom.


    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    I will have a play with it tonight when I get home :)

    Thanks for your time and help :)

    Sorry to bother you again but is there any "best" resolution to force it to for my 720p, so I dont cut any image off or make the aspect ratio funny?

    EDIT: My board has DVI out too. What about a DVI to HDMI cable. The sound wont be an issue as Im using the optical out for this?

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