Some problem with integrating WebBrowser from MS (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 4, 2006
For my plugin MCE i need to add a WebBrowser control in MP but for now i can't...

By adding a webbrowser (AXWebBrowser or Webbrowser), all page are opened in a new windows (Downloading file)
I think it is because of using directx ? but when I desactivate it, it do the same...
It is strange : It is as I use IE with Alt pressed...
I take a look on the Mozila pluging but nothing more than my...
I use this to add WebBrowser : GUIGraphicsContext.form.Controls.Add(wb);

my plugin is ready for a beta on a standard Form but not in MP...

Could you help me ?


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 6, 2006
    i really support your developement of the MCE plugin. MCE plugins usable with MP would add 100+ features to MP!

    I write this to push this thread up omt on the ine hand and on the other to recommend joining the developers IRC channel to get in touch of them a lot faster (-;... looking forward to hear some news on this

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