Some repository changes (1 Viewer)


  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 31, 2004
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    news to all plugin coder, skin authors or other uploaders:

    From now on you can add/upload up to 15 screenshots directly to the repository. Just log in and open the detailpage of your upload. Follow the link "update thumbnails" shown on this page and scroll down till you find the submit-field. It will generate a thumbnail of 150*xxx and a full one of max 800*xxx. There are no external pictures possible anymore, too much dead links from private homepages.

    Also the plugin & skin section under 'News' has changed a little. We had this section before but each news had to be written manually (what no one obviously did ;) ). This is changed to a script that generates the info directly from the repository. So if you upload a skin for example, the description (shorted down to 1250) will show up there automatically. If I find some more time I will add thumbnails there too.

    If you run into problems or have suggestions to it...please contact me directly via PM. :D

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