Issue is fixed in SVN 22162 THX
Here u can download Sonique viz : SoniqueViz.rar - 0.32MB --> extract the archive to your MP installation folder ->Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MusicPlayer\plugins\visualizations and all your visualization presets should work now.
Here u can find Milkdrop2.1 viz : zSHARE - Milkdrop 2.1 visualization.rar
rtv & Ronilse for the hint
Here u can download Sonique viz : SoniqueViz.rar - 0.32MB --> extract the archive to your MP installation folder ->Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MusicPlayer\plugins\visualizations and all your visualization presets should work now.
Here u can find Milkdrop2.1 viz : zSHARE - Milkdrop 2.1 visualization.rar
rtv & Ronilse for the hint