stabile release of tv server? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Media Portal is a great product :D

I've been surfing the site and forums for info about an expected time for a stabile release of TV Servre and i can't find any.

Does anyone have an idea of when a stabile version might be released? I mean - are we talking a month, 6 months, a year or several years?

Also this might not be the right forum, but for the sake of not creating too many threads, how often are stabile versions released of the Media Portal? Will that die once TV Server is stabile - or will they coexist - will there be any reason for supporting both versions once TVServer is stabile?


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    Does anyone have an idea of when a stabile version might be released? I mean - are we talking a month, 6 months, a year or several years?
    We plan to have a stable version in 1-3 months
    Offcourse it depends on our free time, since this is all done by volunteers

    Will that die once TV Server is stabile
    No. there will be stable releases of both MP and the tvserver

    Will there be any reason for supporting both versions once TVServer is stabile?
    Not really.


    Portal Pro
    January 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark

    Great input thanks - looking forward for the stabile TV Server release and enjoying MP meanwhile :)

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