Status Of Moving Pictures 0.8.0 ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 9, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
I know that the 0.7.0 have just been released... But still i'm asking for the 0.8.0....

I'm missing the Genre sort alot... And know it's planned for 0.8.0...

But can see there is a lot of more "Stuff" upcoming in 0.8.0... There is no chance that the Genre search will be implemented before 0.8.0? Ex. 0.7.2?

Because i could imagine that all the other "Stuff" in 0.8.0 would take a lot of time to program... So it could be nice if you could focus on the Genre search before all the other things :) Mainly also beacause so many people is very interrested in it, and it's the only major function missing before this could be the greatest plugin ever :)

Is there a time horrisont for when i could expect the Genre search to be out!?

Further more i would like to say that i really love this plugin... Have been around many Mediaportal applications... Last was MeedioOS which can do everything that Moving Pictures and Mediaportal can do. But still it misses a LOT of stability, and "Sweetnes" So i have given up the Genre Search, Trailer download, Subtitle download etc in MeedioOS, and switched back to Moving Pictures... Then i would just have to wait beacuse i'm so satisfied with Moving Pictures... So keep up the good work :)


Portal Pro
April 11, 2008
I think you need to be a bit more patient and give the developers some more space. As you said Moving Pictures 0.7 just came out. There are going to be a few interim releases between here and 0.8 so now is not really the time to ask about status. Just let them do their work and im sure we will get an update when there is something to say.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Well as you said, since 0.7 just came out it is a little early to be talking too much about 0.8. Right now we are trying to hammer out all the issues in 0.7 so we can release a 0.7.1 As happy as I am with 0.7.0, it still has some bugs and is not what you would call a "stable" release in the same way that 0.6.6 is. So once we get a 0.7.1 release out the door (which I think will be within a week), we will spend some time planning exactly what will go into 0.8.

As for putting filtering in a 0.7 build, I think this is highly unlikely. With our current versioning system, we use the first two digits to indicate a major release with functional changes. The third number (the 1 in 0.7.1) is for bug fixes only. So you will not see new features until 0.8. Don't fret though, the way we number things really has nothing to do with the frequency of releases. A build with new features takes time to put together test and release. This is true whether we call it 0.7.2 or 0.8. Because what's in a name?

As you mentioned there are a lot of features tagged for 0.8 on the tracker. The original plan was to do a 0.8 release and then a 1.0 release. But I am really not happy with the length of time between 0.6 and 0.7 so we may be splitting what we have listed in 0.8 into two releases (0.8 and 0.9) so that we can have more frequent feature upgrades.

Just be patient though. This is all speculation here, I haven't spent much time planning for 0.8 so it's all still kind of up in the air. We don't want the cart to get in front of the horse, we need to get 0.7 stable before we start moving on.


Portal Pro
October 9, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Okay thank you very much for your answer :)

I'm then hoping for that Genre search is going to be in 0.8.0, and hopefully 80% of all the features listed on the current 0.8.0, on the issue tracker, is going to be moved to 0.9.0 instead :) Then the 0.8.0 would be quicker released ;)


Portal Pro
May 1, 2008
the only thing that has held me back from having MP up 100% of the time is the lack of filtering in this plugin. cannot WAIT for it!!!!

love what this plugin has done for movies with mediaportal!


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  • August 30, 2006
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    Just wanted to counter all this by mentioning that the thing I've been hanging out for is to view my collection in newest-added to oldest. And with 0.7 I can! This was a major capability and the only one I needed. Many, MANY thanks!


    Portal Pro
    November 26, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    As you mentioned there are a lot of features tagged for 0.8 on the tracker. The original plan was to do a 0.8 release and then a 1.0 release. But I am really not happy with the length of time between 0.6 and 0.7 so we may be splitting what we have listed in 0.8 into two releases (0.8 and 0.9) so that we can have more frequent feature upgrades.

    I think the majority of moving pictures users would like to see the 0.8 offer nothing new except the genre/custom filtering functionality. Any other planned new features should be pegged for 0.9.


    MP Donator
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  • July 26, 2008
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    For what its worth I agree. Do filtering in 0.8, and let the other stuff wait for 0.9.

    Also, a vote for having a 0.9 in between 8 and 1.0.

    AND DEFINITELY stabilize 0.7 before even thinking about 0.8 I would rather have everything working REALLY well before you guys move on to new features.

    But as my old boss used to say "This is not a democracy, this is a benevolent dictatorship", so do what you feel is best :)

    Thanks for GREAT plugin. It really changes the face of movies for MP (and lets face it, thats the biggest reason we use MP).

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