Users who wants to support mp3 tags with Greek characters now can download the TagReaderPlugIns.dll that i edit from
The greek Tags with this displays OK in Mediaportal.exe (Database must rebuild from Configuration.exe)
I hope to help people with this
I change in files id3v1.cs and TextBuilder.cs every line
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); // Should be ASCII
Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default; // Should be ASCII
With this change the encoding is the machine default from Regional and Language settings and theoretically it supports overyone.
Mediaportal programmers can test it and make this change global
The greek Tags with this displays OK in Mediaportal.exe (Database must rebuild from Configuration.exe)
I hope to help people with this
I change in files id3v1.cs and TextBuilder.cs every line
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); // Should be ASCII
Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default; // Should be ASCII
With this change the encoding is the machine default from Regional and Language settings and theoretically it supports overyone.
Mediaportal programmers can test it and make this change global