Technotrend Budget T-1500?? CI CAM?? (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 14, 2006
Is this card supported? CI and CAM. I am looking for a stable solution for MP . Need something to get the scrambled channels in Sweden. Boxer pay TV. It´s this or Twinhan I think? Any Ideas or adviceses?


Portal Pro
March 20, 2005
malten said:
Is this card supported? CI and CAM. I am looking for a stable solution for MP . Need something to get the scrambled channels in Sweden. Boxer pay TV. It´s this or Twinhan I think? Any Ideas or adviceses?

Why dont you take a look at FireDtv instead?
I have runnit over Boxer 8 months w/o problem..

Both haupagge and Twinhan has been wery instable..


New Member
January 14, 2006
So it is working in MediaPortal? I do not have a firewire port on my HTPC so the FireDVB is a extra expensive solution. But then agian it is considered more stable?

But I need to know if theTechnotrend Budget T-1500 +CI +CAM will give me all BOXER pay TV channels. First when I have all options I will make my choise.

Known options for me is:
: Twinhan +CI
: Fire or Floppy DTV

Please some one confirm Technotrend Budget T-1500 + CI + CAM.


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  • July 28, 2004
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    Common Interface support isn't supported on the Technotrend cards yet.


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