I am very new to the hole C# xml thing but i think i am kind of figuring things out to do what i want to do.
I want to "browse" through the cover images of my lp's and also have a info button to disply text about the album.
I have created a directory with a bunch of artist-album.jpg and artist-album.txt files.
So i am writing a plugin to scroll through these. The images are simple. I create a Image control with the texture called "#Album_Cover" and in c# I scroll through the list of files and
GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Album_Cover", jpgfiles[a].FullName)
This works great.
Now for the text. I experimented on a pc using , and i can load the text easily with another Control in xml
And in code:
GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Album_text", MyTxtFile.ReadToEnd());
this works like a charm.
But as SOON as i copy my dll file and xml files to RC2 , NO text.
Images works fine , BUT text don't work?
Sometimes i get the first line of a text file but most text files show nothing.
Are there some rules that changed with rc2 ?
something i have to take into account.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Please don't flame a n00b.
I am very new to the hole C# xml thing but i think i am kind of figuring things out to do what i want to do.
I want to "browse" through the cover images of my lp's and also have a info button to disply text about the album.
I have created a directory with a bunch of artist-album.jpg and artist-album.txt files.
So i am writing a plugin to scroll through these. The images are simple. I create a Image control with the texture called "#Album_Cover" and in c# I scroll through the list of files and
GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Album_Cover", jpgfiles[a].FullName)
This works great.
Now for the text. I experimented on a pc using , and i can load the text easily with another Control in xml
And in code:
GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Album_text", MyTxtFile.ReadToEnd());
this works like a charm.
But as SOON as i copy my dll file and xml files to RC2 , NO text.
Images works fine , BUT text don't work?
Sometimes i get the first line of a text file but most text files show nothing.
Are there some rules that changed with rc2 ?
something i have to take into account.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Please don't flame a n00b.