Thank You!!! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 28, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
I just wanted to say thanks, Media Portal is great and works wonderfully on my computer. The setup process was pretty easy, I tried it on my laptop to make sure it was what I wanted (about half an hour) then another 30 minutes to get it to run on my PC and get it all hooked up to my TV. I am very pleased with it, well what I use of it, unfortunately I don't have a TV Tuner card yet, but I plan to get one fairly soon, though I'll also have to get cable :) But it runs all my AVI's perfectly and is very user friendly. Now I get to watch my old cartoons on the TV without digging through piles of VHS's.
The hardest thing in the whole process was to set it up to run with my game pad. I don't have a remote and only had a wired mouse and keyboard (this got fixed over Christmas) I wound up finding a program that would map the mouse and keyboard controls onto my game pad (this might be a good feature)




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  • April 7, 2005
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    Welcome aboard :)

    hint: It's always good to search the forums before buying TV cards, etc ;)

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