Track art woes (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 12, 2010
Hey guys, mediaportal newbie here.

Basically i use mediamonkey on my desktop and I love it however it doesnt work so well with my htpc setup.. I am trying to get mediaportal to read my music collection the same way.. So far so good aside from this:

Mediaportal keeps showing covers for OTHER tracks when playing.. so say something for LL Cool J is playing it will display an Audioslave cover and I see that same audioslave cover everywhere.

Even if it actually has album art imedded in the file it still displays the wrong cover.

For thumb creation I have

folder.jpg selected
cover art embedded selected

Any ideas?


New Member
November 12, 2010
I did import my music which isn't setup for albums but more individual files/compilations.

I read through the guide but didn't' see a reference to database or shares view, what is the difference?

step 1 is to get mptag, most of my stuff is pretty cleaned up, just not the album art.

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