TV card Suggestion (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 17, 2005
I've got a windows XP box connected via HDMI with both local and network files playing on it with mediaportal and a harmony one. The netflix plugin is working great as well. I want to take the next step in getting rid of cable. I need a card to do local channels and since I would keep broadband possibly plugging the coaxial line in as well. will that work to have two inputs? Which card would people suggest to do these things? Beyond the card for OTA I will also need a HDTV antenna I believe?
Any help would be appreciated.


Portal Member
August 17, 2005
Sorry, being an arrogant american, I have forgotten how far mediaportal has spread. I am in Texas, USA.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Joking apart, think the Hauppauge HVR2250 dual atsc\analogue card is one of the most popular for the USA.

    So that means in laymans terms, at any one time the dual tuners can be both atsc or atsc\analogue or analogue\analogue which has hardware encoding as standard, not cheap, but incredibly flexible.


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