TV Card Supported??? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 30, 2004
Hi, I've try the TVEngine3 but my TV card (TT T-3000 Hybrid) don't work.
In the menu panel the card is correctly recognized, but if I start autotune nothig is found (DVB-T and Analog).
The same card work correctly with the old engine, so... is a mistake in my configuration or is that the card is unsupported?


Portal Pro
March 17, 2006
Hey m8... I dont have an answer for you, but I have a similar question... I am building a distributed audio/video system for my use, and I plan on having 2 - 5 TV tuners in a server.

I would like to know what TV card is the "best supported" or "recommeneded" or whatever for the new TV Server... I'd like to get something which will still be supported in future...

This would be to connect each one to a satelite reciever, so if there is one with S-Video input it is a bit better...

Thanks for any reply!

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