Tv Engine 3 : Pb Timeshifting (1 Viewer)




Je viens d'installer le TV serveur et j'ai un problème, lorsque je lance la TV le message "Pas de Timeshifting Erreur Inconnue" s'affiche.

En cherchant un peu, j'ai aussi le problème dans TV server -> Manual Control lorsque que je clique sur le bouton "Start Timeshift" j'obtiens le message "Unknown error occured"

Est ce que qq'un peut m'aider ?



Portal Pro
May 19, 2004
Home Country
France France


J'ai exactement le même problème. As-tu trouvé une solution ?

Dans mon cas les logs indique ce qui suit:

** Fichier ERROR **

23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Exception :confused:ystem.Exception: No analog audio/video pins found
à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalogBase.BuildGraph()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Exception :No analog audio/video pins found
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A site :Void BuildGraph()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A source :TVLibrary
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A stacktrace: à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalogBase.BuildGraph()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Exception :confused:ystem.Exception: No analog audio/video pins found
à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalogBase.BuildGraph()
à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Tune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel)
à TvService.TvCard.Tune(User& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Exception :No analog audio/video pins found
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A site :Void BuildGraph()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A source :TVLibrary
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A stacktrace: à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalogBase.BuildGraph()
à TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Tune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel)
à TvService.TvCard.Tune(User& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)

** Fichier Serveur **

23/07/2007 17:31:19 1 ---- start setuptv ----
23/07/2007 17:31:19 1 ---- check connection with database ----
23/07/2007 17:31:20 1 ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
23/07/2007 17:31:20 1 ---- check if tvservice is running ----
23/07/2007 17:31:22 A Controller: epg stop
23/07/2007 17:31:25 A Controller: epg stop
23/07/2007 17:31:25 A Controller: epg start
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: StartTimeShifting RGB#3 on 5 448
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: find free card for channel RGB#3 on 5
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: got 1 tuning details for RGB#3 on 5
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: channel #1 tv:RGB#3 on 5 Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Cable Video:RgbInput3
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: card:5 type:Analog is available priority:1 #users:0 same transponder:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A Controller: found 1 available
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A card: CardTune 5 RGB#3 on 5 setuptv:5:-1
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A card:Tune 5 to RGB#3 on 5
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A card:user:setuptv:5:-1 tune tv:RGB#3 on 5 Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Cable Video:RgbInput3
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A card: to different transponder
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: Tune:tv:RGB#3 on 5 Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Cable Video:RgbInput3
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: build graph
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvTunerFilter Conexant 2388x Tuner
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddCrossBarFilter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddCrossBarFilter try:Conexant 2388x Crossbar 0
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin type:Video_Tuner direction:Input
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin inputs:5 outputs:2
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 0 type:Video_SVideo
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 1 type:Video_Tuner
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin found pin at index:1
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: ConnectFilter()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: PinDest:name:1: Video Tuner In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [5/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pins connected
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvAudioFilter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin type:Audio_Tuner direction:Input
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin inputs:5 outputs:2
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 0 type:Video_SVideo
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 1 type:Video_Tuner
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 2 type:Video_Composite
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pin 3 type:Audio_Tuner
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCrossBarPin found pin at index:3
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvAudioFilter try:Conexant 2388x TvAudio 0
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: ConnectFilter()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: PinDest:name:TVAudio In [5/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:True
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pinSource 1:name:Analog Audio [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: pins connected
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:Conexant 2388x TvAudio
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvCaptureFilter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Conexant 2388x Video Capture 0
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected to crossbar successfully
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvEncoderFilter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found (devices.Length == 0)
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvEncoderFilter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found (devices.Length == 0)
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvMultiPlexer
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found (devices.Length == 0)
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvMultiPlexer
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found (devices.Length == 0)
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindAudioVideoPins
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: find pins on capture filter
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindMediaPin pin:#0 name:Capturer [36/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindMediaPin major:73646976-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 sub:e436eb7c-524f-11ce-9f53-0020af0ba770
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: FindMediaPin succeeded
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog: failed to find audio/video pins
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A analog:Dispose()
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A card2:setuptv 5 -1
23/07/2007 17:31:29 A control1:setuptv 5 -1

Je vasi faire quelques recherches dans les forums US voir si je trouve qqchose qui se rapproche du problème.

EDIT: il semble que d'autres personnes aient rencontré le problème mais malheureusement il pas de solution: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Voila ce que j'ai trouve dans un thread du forum US ( <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. ):

To answer the OP's question. The "No analog audio/video pins found" error is because the system at the moment requires the audio to come from the capture card. So if you have a video capture and do the audio through the sound card (Line in or Mic), then it wont work.

La discussion est beaucoup trop technique pour moi je n'ai pas compris ce qu'il fallait faire pour corriger le pb mais je suis dans le cas décrit ci-dessus ...

Une autre piste ici ( <a href="" target="_blank"></a> )mais la encore ca dépasse mes compétences ...

Je vais essayer encore quelques temps de régler le problème mais je crois qu'au final il ne me reste que 2 solutions:

1- Changer de carte pour un modèle supporté en natif par MP
2- Essayer un autre Media Center soit Linux soit commercial

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