TV guide (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
Although I've had media portal installed previously, I'm still a novice. What's the easiest and simplest way to get a program guide working on Media portal. Which is best? XMLTV or Web EPG, and how do I set them up. I'm not technically minded.


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
Thanks. Done that, but the file seems to be at the 'writing' stage a long time. I know it's a different topic, but my Hauppauge remote won't work either, even though I selected it in the set up.


Portal Pro
April 29, 2008
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France France
Thanks. Done that, but the file seems to be at the 'writing' stage a long time.

Average time 10-15 minutes depending on number of channels and days forward. Also make sure that you haven't selected any of the channels that receive webepg data in the dvb-epg tab in the configuration

Manfred gbg

New Member
October 19, 2008
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Sweden Sweden
Big problems

I too have The Hauppage 150, and have had trouble to get it working (drivers and much more...)
But the biggest problem is recording - not being able to record more than 1/2 hour-steps, and having a format that's impossible to cut out the comercials.
I'm trying to use it as a VHS - but it seems hopless...


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
Installed the drivers for the remote, and made sure the icon was in the system tray. Still nothing. Managed to get icons for the channels, but still no tv guide. The file seems to stick at 'writing' and seems to be in the WebEPG folder, and not the XMLTV folder.


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
The programe guide did eventually appear, so everythings ok, apart from the remote. Still can't get it to work, but it did with Win-TV.

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