TV Output (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 16, 2006
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Hi there,

I wonder if someone could please let me know how on earth one outputs Mediaportal content to the TV?

I'm using a PVR-350, and it seems that, whilst the card is supported to capture TV input, it doesn't yet have support to output to TV.

Is this correct? It doesnt seem right, Linux based PVR stuff seems capable of doing the TV out on the PVR-350 cards already, and whilse I'm a Linux fan, I'd always have thought Windows based platforms was the leaders in media.

If someone could please confirm whether or not the card supports TV out under mediaportal, I'd appreciate, as well as whether or not there's any plans to do so, and if so, the ETA?

Media portal looks like a fantastic product, but if I can't watch my goodies ont he TV, there's not much point :(

ANY help, would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,


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  • February 23, 2005
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    I wonder if someone could please let me know how on earth one outputs Mediaportal content to the TV?

    You just need a video card that supports a TV out connection - usually via Composite, S-Video, or Component connections - depends on what connection your TV requires?

    The TV card only provides the TV program or a "video in" capability - as you have noted.


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  • July 25, 2005
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    The reason the PVR350 supports TV out right from the card is because the card was designed to be used in low power systems. From what I understand, the TV out on the 350 series cards only supports overlays - which means that you can output a pre-recorded TV show, but the TV card has to do the decoding and processing of the video.

    MP's interface works using DirectX 9 subroutines, therefore using overlays would not be the best method of displaying content. using a VGA card to output the TV signal directly to the TV is the only option to view your MP.

    Because of this physical limitation of the PVR350, MediaPortal will never support the TV out on the PVR350. With the current features planned for MP, Overlays are quite outdated for a modern PVR application.


    Portal Member
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa
    Hi again,

    Status update: I bought myself an Nvidia GX5500 with TV out (a fairly low-end video card) - and everything is working like a dream!

    Thanks for the help on this one - I'm glad the solution was simple and effective!


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