TVEngine3 Snapshot: 07-18-2007 10-44h Revision 15240 (1 Viewer)


Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
General Infos:

Please visit our Wiki-Guide before you try out this engine.
We also provide some tutorial videos which show how to install and configure the TV-Server and TV-Client.

MediaPortal TVEngine3 Capabilities:

- seperate front/backend
- supports multiple frontends
- supports multiple backends (master/slave servers)
- analog/atsc/dvb-c/dvb-s/dvb-t support
- recording to mpeg-2 program stream (.mpg)
- mpeg-2 transport stream timeshifting
- multi tuner support of course
- epg / mhw grabbing right from the DVB stream
- network streaming via rtsp
- teletext grabbing

- ci / cam support for firedtv, twinhan and technotrend
- placeshifting
- TV Movie Clickfinder EPG import

MediaPortal TVEngine3 Requirements:

- latest MediaPortal SVN-Build Wiki-Guide --> Download
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ---> Download
- additional (but recommened) SQL Server Management Studio Express ---> Download


Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Changelog since last snapshot:

tvengine3 18/07/2007 [09:02:28] _Frodo_ added: fixed tvservice crashed on startup when it could not connect to the database server
tvengine3 18/07/2007 [10:23:14] _Frodo_ added: fixed tvservice failed to find database service due to the applyProcessPriority() method added recently

===> click here to download <===

This thread is open to everyone to provide feedback for this particular snapshot.
If you found or confirm a bug please still open a single thread with full details in the Bugsection


Portal Pro
March 10, 2006
Cambridge, UK
Error when installing the TV Client Plugin


I get the following error when installing the TV Client Plugin:

Module C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ failed to register. HRESULT -2147010895. Contact your support personnel.

This is with SVN build Rev 15237.

Excellent work recently by the way, the tv server is very close to perfect :)


Portal Pro
March 10, 2006
Cambridge, UK
One more thing, this build of the tv server nukes the DB but will not let me import an export.xml from the last good build :(

I get a NullReferenceException at


I can't see anything in any logs to add to this, not very helpfull I know. I've attached the export.xml in case it's useful.

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