TVEngine3 Snapshot: 07-23-2007 01-22h Revision 15291 (1 Viewer)


Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
General Infos:

Please visit our Wiki-Guide before you try out this engine.
We also provide some tutorial videos which show how to install and configure the TV-Server and TV-Client.

MediaPortal TVEngine3 Capabilities:

- seperate front/backend
- supports multiple frontends
- supports multiple backends (master/slave servers)
- analog/atsc/dvb-c/dvb-s/dvb-t support
- recording to mpeg-2 program stream (.mpg)
- mpeg-2 transport stream timeshifting
- multi tuner support of course
- epg / mhw grabbing right from the DVB stream
- network streaming via rtsp
- teletext grabbing

- ci / cam support for firedtv, twinhan and technotrend
- placeshifting
- TV Movie Clickfinder EPG import

MediaPortal TVEngine3 Requirements:

- latest MediaPortal SVN-Build Wiki-Guide --> Download
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ---> Download
- additional (but recommened) SQL Server Management Studio Express ---> Download


Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Changelog since last snapshot:

tvengine3 22/07/2007 [11:09:31] _Frodo_ added: fixed stop epg grabber before starting timeshifting, otherwise the wrong card could be choosen
tvengine3 22/07/2007 [19:27:18] _Frodo_ added: added tourettes changes for DVB subtitles to tsreader, but disabled the subtitle pin for now
TVPlugin 23/07/2007 [00:33:33] Broceliande added: Fixed Stop key doesn't stop the timeshifting on server in TVHome

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This thread is open to everyone to provide feedback for this particular snapshot.
If you found or confirm a bug please still open a single thread with full details in the Bugsection


Portal Pro
February 21, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany

i have Problems width Channelchanging in this Version.
Its not possible. MP stay alway on the channel who select first.
When i whant to change i must turn off TV and select the channel.
The Live TV start again and i cant change it again in Live Modus.

Edit: i dont use the new TSReader "C:\usetsreader.txt"


Portal Pro
December 12, 2005
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
This is not a new problem. Somehow the client is going back in timeshifting. When going to the the END of the timeshift file the channel you've openend will be showing.

I still get the "could not write to registry error" when installing the client plugin.


Portal Pro
February 21, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
This is not a new problem. Somehow the client is going back in timeshifting. When going to the the END of the timeshift file the channel you've openend will be showing.

I still get the "could not write to registry error" when installing the client plugin.

i dont mean this Problem. This Problem i know too.
But today MP dont change the Channel! Definitiv.

I can go to the end .... but its the same Channel not this one who i am selected.

Today i will test the new TSReader ... i have heard thats work very good.

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