TVguide(EPG) NEEDS AN OVERHAUL!!!! (1 Viewer)

Does it matter to you if the Guide works properly?

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dont get me wrong mediaportal is on the verge of being the best out there excpt for one thing the EPG. GBPVR = simple and accurate, SageTv =simple and accurate. Mediaportal= painful and im living on the west coast according to the tvguide. The foo-foo skins and all are nice but lets get the basics solidified before we get ahead of ourselves. I want to enjoy my HTPC not waste time configuring it. Love the program hate the Guide. Is there no better way to integrate this? Instead of requesting insane and foolish plugins, lets encourage the programmers to get together and work this out as a team effort build a solid engine. :idea:


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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    well this is the first time i hear that somebody hates the tvguide
    However you dont say whats bad about it
    and you dont say how we should improve it??
    - why is it bad?
    - what exactly is bad?
    - how do you think we can improve it ?
    - do you have examples/screenshots of good tvguides ?



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    This is indeed a lot of shouting without telling whats wrong first.

    It could be that you do something wrong,
    or that there is a bug in MP causing your used xml data to not be recognised.
    This would mean it worls for us great, but only for you not..

    so, indeed do as frodo asked and we can see what the real problem is.
    Cause for me setting up the guide is easy.
    I setup xmltv (nothign to do with MediaPortal)
    start Mediaportal.


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2004
    I agree with Frodo and MrMario, quit complaining and explain what you need.
    All we know so far is you don't live on the west coast of somewhere....


    Perhaps you have taken my statement the wrong way! I dont hate the tv guide, looks good. Except that i have yet to get it to work properly, either the time zone is out or the guide gives an exception error when scrolling or it never shows up. It is also alot of hassle to get the thing installed in the first place.
    Can it not be incorperated into the program itself so that all we have to do is
    put in our user name and password for the direct data service and downloads itself. This is not a complaint, more of constructive critisism.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    the timezone being off you can compensate in setup, so thats no problem.

    If you get an exeption, post this exeption as a bug including the exeption text,

    Yes it can be incorporated, work is allready on the way. But not yet for the USA.

    Do realise that the bug can also be in the xmltv grabber youy use, maybe it builds a bad xml file, or it can be a bug in MP not importing the file correctly.

    Either way, if it is a bug in MP it can be fixed ONLY if you report the problem, and how to reproduce it. And even give us the xml file that is going wrong for you.
    If xmltv is too hard you can also als the xmltv guys to make a more easy grabber....


    what needs to happen for a USA guide to get underway? (I know no C#, but I do program C...but I don't compile anything on windows, so I am likely not much use for programming)

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