I'm working on a TV Server plugin to delay tuning until an antenna has had a chance to rotate to the position needed for a TV station. I would like to display some kind of progress meter or at least a "Please wait..." message to the user after they select a TV station in MediaPortal. I'd also like to clear the message once the antenna is in position.
I know that MP has the Dialogs.dll resource for doing this, but I don't think it's intended to be used by a TVServer plugin. Is there any capability within the TV Server collection of dlls that would allow me to display and clear a message to the MP user?
I know that MP has the Dialogs.dll resource for doing this, but I don't think it's intended to be used by a TVServer plugin. Is there any capability within the TV Server collection of dlls that would allow me to display and clear a message to the MP user?