UltraStar running stremelly slow when launched from Mediaportal (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 4, 2009
Home Country
Spain Spain

I'm using Mediaportal as the front-end of my HTPC for running all multimedia in TV and record TV shows. In fact, I have also replacing the loading screen and I'm using MCE remote, so there is no more references to windows nor PC-like interface :)

The latests application I have added is the SingStar-like game "UltraStar Deluxe", and it works fine when closing Mediaportand and loaded directly from Windows... but the target is to launch it direcly from Mediaportal. To do so I have installed the "MyPrograms" plug-in and configured to run an external application, poiting to the executable file of UltraStar. The main problem is when running the application from Mediaportal it turns to be extremelly slow, and it turns to be non-playable.

Is there anything on the configuration I have to modify? I have seen that MyPrograms has some advanced options to run actions just before and/or after executing the external program: should I close Mediaportal and open it again as the actions? What should I type to close and reopen mediaportal? Or should I use another plug-in?



New Member
March 4, 2009
Home Country
Spain Spain
I have tried adding "tskill mediaportal" as previous action, but it just kills mediaportal and does not load UltraStar.

By the way, may this slow-down be something related to the video config? Any idea?

Thanks again


Portal Pro
December 27, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
have you tried to use the my emulator plugin ? it allows to map gamefiles... i haven't tried it , but might work out.

i just tried with my emulator and ultrastar.. works like a charm here...


Portal Pro
December 27, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
u could also try with MultiShortcut plugin...
it allows you to add a shortcut directly to an exe in your home/basichome dir..

haven't tried it yet though


Portal Pro
October 15, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
hi patxiros, i also wanted to be able to start ultrastar from within mediaportal and i wanted to use my mce remote to control it so i played around with the multishortcut plugin - explodedk mentioned in his last post - some time ago and got it working. i don't know if this works better for you, for me it is nearly perfect and works "fast" :D maybe you give it a try. the link is below in my signature... if you experience any problems let me know cause the thread was posted in the german forum...


New Member
March 4, 2009
Home Country
Spain Spain
Thanks to both of you. I'll try it.

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