Area: Media Portal Program
Skin / Plugins / Other
MP Version: 2.0 RC2
Skin: the skin you use
Windows Version: WinXP SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Memory: 1 gig pc 400
Motherboard Chipset: abit av8 plus
Video Card: Nvidia 6600
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: your desktop resolution
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo from Windvd 7
Audio Codec Type & Version: Intervideo from Windvd 7
TV Card:
TV Card Type:
TV Card Driver:
Optional Log:
Optional References: any reference
Synopsis: unable to navigate withing ratdvd files
Hi all,
I have been testing out Mediaportal with the hopes of using it permantly and unable to navigate within ratdvd files. The file opens fine and I can see the intro but when I get to the menu I can not even select play. Any ideas?
Skin / Plugins / Other
MP Version: 2.0 RC2
Skin: the skin you use
Windows Version: WinXP SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Memory: 1 gig pc 400
Motherboard Chipset: abit av8 plus
Video Card: Nvidia 6600
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: your desktop resolution
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo from Windvd 7
Audio Codec Type & Version: Intervideo from Windvd 7
TV Card:
TV Card Type:
TV Card Driver:
Optional Log:
Optional References: any reference
Synopsis: unable to navigate withing ratdvd files
Hi all,
I have been testing out Mediaportal with the hopes of using it permantly and unable to navigate within ratdvd files. The file opens fine and I can see the intro but when I get to the menu I can not even select play. Any ideas?