Using GUICheckListControl (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 27, 2008
I'm new to the mediaportal project, so I have a fairly basic question. In general I need help using the GUICheckListControl class. In essance, what I am trying to do is set up a list of languages with a radio button (in place of the check mark) on one side. To give a visual example, I want something like this:

(-) English
(-) French
(-) German
(-) Spanish

*where each (-) is a radio button.

I've played around with other skin attribute classes such as Label and TextBox (and also included them in the StackLayout class). After searching through the mediaportal files I found settings_tvEpg.xml which utilizes the attribute based on the GUICheckListControl class. However, this is where I get stuck. Is this class like the Textbox class that one can estblish the attributes in an xml file and later in the code fill it in with applicable text? Or is this like the label attribute where pretty much all of the data can/should be put into an xml file? In other words, I found a couple examples of this attribute in xml files, but I can't figure out how to fill it in.

any and all help is much appreciated

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