Area: My TV
MP Version:
Skin: default
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: AMD 64 3000+
Memory: 1GB PC3200
Motherboard Chipset: EPOX Nforce4
Video Card: ASUS Geforce 6600 256MB
Video Card Driver: NVIDIA
Video Card Resolution: 1280 X 1024
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: MPEG2dec Filter
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
TV Card: ATI TV WonderPro
TV Card Type: software / hardware (not sure)
TV Card Driver: latest (installs with media center 9.08)
Synopsis: My issue is that the My TV section seems to be very clear and work fine when capture card is set to 320 x 240. If i increase this to anything larger then i get these thin horizonal lines that seems to smear across the images. This is only in the small preview window the resy of the screen is fine. The card seems to work fine at these larger resolutions when using the ATI media center program that it shipped with. I am very new to video terms and am having a hard time determining what my problem could be.
MP Version:
Skin: default
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: AMD 64 3000+
Memory: 1GB PC3200
Motherboard Chipset: EPOX Nforce4
Video Card: ASUS Geforce 6600 256MB
Video Card Driver: NVIDIA
Video Card Resolution: 1280 X 1024
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: MPEG2dec Filter
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
TV Card: ATI TV WonderPro
TV Card Type: software / hardware (not sure)
TV Card Driver: latest (installs with media center 9.08)
Synopsis: My issue is that the My TV section seems to be very clear and work fine when capture card is set to 320 x 240. If i increase this to anything larger then i get these thin horizonal lines that seems to smear across the images. This is only in the small preview window the resy of the screen is fine. The card seems to work fine at these larger resolutions when using the ATI media center program that it shipped with. I am very new to video terms and am having a hard time determining what my problem could be.