Virtual Desktops (1 Viewer)



In a post on the bug forum, DougHamm asked that while mediaportal is in fullscreen mode, he be able to see the windows taskbar. Why not go one better, and create multiple desktops, with one desktop being MP fullscreen, and at least one other a regular windows desktop. This way if you want to run an app or whatever it is you want to do, you don't have to see any part of windows on your MP screen.


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  • April 22, 2004
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    this doesn't sound like a feature we should make, but more like a feature of your graphics card


    not sure whether khaoohs was talking about the same thing, but when I am talking about multi (or at least dual) screen support of MP, I think of the following features:

    - Being able to view Video (DVD, TV, mpeg, etc..) full screen on one screen, while beeing able to watch the EPG, weather forcast, choose next video to watch on the other screen. (The only app. in know capable of that right now is WinAmp, but not for live TV)

    - Being able to switch MP fullscreen mode with one key/remote (Am I right that this can currently only be set in configuration and can not be changed when the app runs? (I am not talking about fullscreen TV, but fullscreen versus windowed application mode))

    -Being able to send the running MP application (or parts of it, like fullscreen TV) to another screen.

    Let me explain what the perfect world szenario for my HTPC software would be. To reach this i would throw in several boxes of beer :).

    My hardware:
    - Hauppauge PVR 350 (for TV recording)
    - Cheaper TV card (for parallel TV viewing, not bought yet)
    - Logitech diNovo MediaDesktop (any one knows hot to customize and use with MP, girder plugin? or similiar? )
    - old MSI GeForce 4200 TI (which crashes my HTPC sometimes, need to get a know one, not sure whether it has anything to do with MP)
    - 15" TFT
    - Acer PD521 beamer (170" :))
    - AMD 64 Cool'n Quiet (would work well and quiet, but crashes sometimes)

    So, for example I want to watch live TV on TFT while sitting on the couch an drinking coffee. Then I see that an interesting movie is starting and I would want to start-up the beamer and move the fullscreen TV picture from the TFT to the beamer, off course all by the IR remote control.

    Compliments to the the Developers
    I've bean evaluating some HTPC's including several commercial ones,
    but MP is the mose promising of all. Good job!! Let me know when I can help with some 'old fashin' Java knowledge


    Thanks Eric,

    So far I tried nView (comes with nVidia Drivers)
    Cool Desk and MS PowerTools Virtual Desktop.

    However I don't see how those tools could help me..
    .. send a running windowed MP to another screen
    in fullscreen mode and vice versa (should be a hotkey,
    no mouse action)
    .. watch fullscreen TV on one screen with MP, while in
    the same time checking the weatherforecast with MP

    Can you be more precise in how to use any tools to
    achieve something like that?



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 25, 2004
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    .. send a running windowed MP to another screen
    in fullscreen mode and vice versa (should be a hotkey,
    no mouse action)
    -----> Is not supported yet

    .. watch fullscreen TV on one screen with MP, while in
    the same time checking the weatherforecast with MP
    ------> How are you planning to accomplish this? Only one instance of MP can be running at the same time !!!



    How are you planning to accomplish this? Only ...

    Yeah, that's why i'm posting to 'Feature Request'
    -> I'm just making suggestions

    Apropos multiple instances: Check out WinAmp,
    they do that multi window stuff. However I don't
    think that is what a HTPC software needs. Because
    WinAMP has like seperate Window for every thing
    (Media Lib, PlayList, Main, Settings,.. Everything is
    a 'dockable' window). However, I in MP i think
    a seperate window for video output would be great!

    Am I the only one, who thinks that this would make sense?


    You "might" be able to accomplish this with one of the several virtual desktop packages running on Windows:

    I use this one on my Thinkpad. Its fairly simple and may not get you where you want to be.

    Virtual Desktop Toolbox
    This one is much more comprehensive that VirtuaWin and might be capable of what you are looking for

    There may be several more out there --- I seem to recall finding more when I was looking and came across VirtuaWin


    One afternoon to tried a dual headed MP config and I gave up after a fashion.

    My config was simple, I have an ATI 9200 w/ DVI and S-Video out. The DVI was connected to my 17" TFT and the S-Video was connected to my Sony TV. My intent was to run the MP OSD on the TFT and have all video (DVD, TV, etc.) output sent to the TV.

    The reason I thought this work is I set up a dual head system at Halloween to DJ a party. I ran Winamp with the actual player wndows on a 15" TFT and had the "milkdrop" visualization sent to a 19" TFT. It worked really well. I got a lot of compliments from my fellow geeks.

    At the time I tried this with MP I admit I hadn't really thought it through and I understand now why it doesn't work. But it would be REALLY cool if it would. It would be nice to see the OSD on one "head" and the video (DVD, etc.) output on another "head." Further, if your viewing something in the preview window, hit a hotkey and boom, it's on the big screen (other head.) Now that would be beyond cool.

    Now I realize I am probably a little atypical in this configuration so I am not holding my breath that this will be sought after feature for some time. There are much more important things to do near term.


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