Visual Studio 2008 Template (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 11, 2011
Omaha, NE
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hello PlugIn developer people!

I have created a Visual Studio 2008 Project Template that will create a new GUI plugin shell. It creates the Visual Studio project for the basic GUI plugin source, adds all MP assemblies to the Project References, and creates a folder structure for various default skins (Blue3, Blue3Wide, PureVisionHD). Note that all MP assembly references are added from a default MP install - ie "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal". This can be changed if you installed MP to a non-default location, or are using 64-bit paths (ie "Program Files(x86)").

I attached some screenshots of Visual Studio.NET project creation process, as well as the .vstemplate file and associated zip.

To install:
1) save the .vstemplate.txt file and .zip file to your local computer.
2) rename the .vstemplate.txt file to .vstemplate (could not attach a .vstemplate extension).
3) double click on the .vstemplate file to install the template.

To Use:
1) start Visual Studio and click on the "File.New Project" menu item.
2) click on the "Visual C#" project type.
3) click on the "Media Portal Plugin Project" template item.
4) enter a project name and click Ok. The project will be generated with a GUI plugin shell.

I also added Post-Build events to copy the PlugIn assembly DLL to the MP plugins folder, as well as copy the individual skin XML files to the appropriate skin folders. You may need to adjust the Post-Build event to copy to the correct ApplicationData folder. I use this on my Windows XP development machine, so it copies the skins to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\xxxx" by default.

This template should work for Visual Studio versions 2005, 2008, and 2010. Note that I have only tested it with 2008, but I'm confident it will work for 2010.



  • VS.NET New Project Dialog.jpg
    VS.NET New Project Dialog.jpg
    54.1 KB
  • VS.NET Project.jpg
    VS.NET Project.jpg
    181.6 KB
    15.8 KB
  • MPTemplatesVSNET2008.vscontent.txt
    669 bytes


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 19, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    Although I haven't developed or plan to develop a plugin (for the time being) for MediaPortal, I really appreciate your effort! Thanks...

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