Vob - Bad Quality (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 8, 2009
Home Country
Austria Austria
Hi all, a little Question,

only found something like "how to play VoB".

I allready have a stoned way behind myself to use MP :D

Now there are some.. hm how i could say it, difficult Problems...
One is a nonsence Problem what i will solve by my self (HDMI PROB: When use 786p sound doesn't work)

BUT i want to solf this first, because it is importent!

I have maaaaannnyyy Vob.dat (Video_TS) and well, i could play them on my Mediaportal, but they have manye Vertikal Stripes, a bad Quality (fuzzy) and it hurts in my eyes?

BUT now is the Problem, when i play it on VLC Player it looks fine?
I want to use the VLC Codec in Mediaportal but.. hm there is no VLC Codec :p
Well so i thought about the Codec but... I have allready Divx.Codec, ffdshow and standard MP tryed,
anyone hase a other idea?

mfg Andreas


Portal Pro
October 8, 2008
depending on which video card you are using nvidia or ati you could go to the control center for it and enable vertical sync, play around with a couple of other settings... if not you try evr instead of vmr9 or vica versa... the codec vlc is not listed so i dont think there is a way you could use it... test it in wmp using the ffdshow codec and if it plays fine then its an mp issue and is probably related to your gpu setup... hope that helps


Portal Pro
February 8, 2009
Home Country
Austria Austria
Will try the codecs and the vertical sync and will give a reply.
BUT i can't open the video in MP :p Don't know why...
I took the Video_TS Directory and pull it into WMP but it doesn't work .. don'T know why :p
DVD i could play with it... will try some tests, hope it works!

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