what do I need to open a *dat file as in myblaster.dat? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 25, 2006
Coin, Spain
I am fiddling around with myblaster, trying to get MP to change channels on an unsupported pace 2600c1 digibox. I have been retraining MP to learn the key presses for my stb's remote (without success I might add) but I know the results are stored in myblaster.dat.

I just wondered what it would take to have a peek inside this file and, if I can - will it show up as plain text or some sort of code?

Anyone help me here?




Portal Pro
April 25, 2006
Coin, Spain
Sorry - not sure I follow you?

I posted a request for a specific file under plugins where I figured I might get a reply from an "ordinary" pace digibox user.

I posted here hoping that perhaps a developer or progamming expert might be able to help with how to read a dat file.

I saw these as quite different requests that would be responded to on the basis of different subject headings - probably by different audiences.

I didn't think it would be helpful to have different subject matters under the same heading. I have found through experience that it is very difficult to search in a forum for a particualr subject when it is buried in another post with a completely different heading because the subject has drifted off topic.

I thought I was keeping to the spirit of this forum where it asks you to be as specific as possible in the subject heading.

However, I am relatively new to the game and stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

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