What kind of keyboard and remote should I buy? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 9, 2007
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Bulgaria Bulgaria

Today I received my precious LC-14MB case.

Now I wonder what kind of keyboard to buy. I read that MCE Keyboard is not compatible with the IR receiver of Silverstone LC-14MB.

Should I throw away the original remote and buy a Microsoft one, together with MCE keyboard? Are there other good options?

Best regards,



Portal Pro
October 23, 2006
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
The MCE keyboard is not all that good. I have one and it is a poor product for the price, infact i found it so bad that i bought a new keyboard off ebay for £13 in contrast to the £45 that i payed for the MCE one.

My new keyboard is absolutly superb every button press is seen and its RF so I can hide the receiver out of view. Check this link


I think you will agree that it is a nice looking multimedia keyboard.

As for the mce remote, they are superb and the only real choice for media portal.

P.S. I have a MCE Keyboard for sale if you want one!!


Portal Pro
December 6, 2005
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Canada Canada
I use one of these keyboard/mouse combo's. It's really small and light. It's not like I type essays on it or anything, so it suits the purpose. I use the remote that came with my LC16, which I believe is the same one you have with your case. There's pre-made config files for it on the forums that work quite well. Also make sure to check out the external display plugin, as I think it works with your VFD.


Community Plugin Dev
August 26, 2004
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I use both the MCE remote & keyboard. Both work out the box with MP and the keyboard is great once you get used to the nipple mouse. It obviously benefits from the additional media centre keys e.g. Green Button, direct buttons to My TV, guide recorded, music etc. etc.

I have 2 mediacentres each with an MCE remote & reciever and I just use the one keyboard for them both.


Portal Member
October 8, 2006
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Denmark Denmark
I use the Logitec edge keyboard - It's expense but the WAF is high, the design is a perfect and it is a dream to type on.


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  • November 1, 2006
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    Check out my system, I'm incredibly happy with my Logitech Bluetooth , keyboard/mouse combo. With the normal wireless keyboard/mouse my Plasma-TV would interfere with the reception, but with this combo I can sit at my dining-room table that is about 9meters away and still use it. For a remote I use the Microsoft MCE remote, the remote itself is average but the receiver is very good. You can easily buy a multi-purpose remote and then just use the receiver.

    Here is the link to pictures of my system:




    Moderator - Dutch Forums
    May 28, 2006
    Den Bosch
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    I just use the MCE remote and keyboard and I like em.
    The joystick on the keyboard is a bit fiddly but now that I am used to it, it is great!

    The MCE remote is just the best, I also have a Logitech harmony 525 univeral remote, but the responce of it with MP just is not that great. (If anybody has this remote working with MP please let me know)

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