Almost every config instruction is referring to "path to tvguide" in the mediaportal setup.
I am using the 1.0 version but no such option in my menu!
Where can i find the location and settings for this xml?
Thanks for your swift reply!
Link to START\programs\Team-Mediaportal menu was new for me.
Where do i enable WebEPG? Just by enabling the plugin xmlTV and configure it there?
I am using a floppy-dtv card and in mediaportal setup it possible to "allow EPG grabbing" via the tuner card?
Are these 2 related?
Have a look there and ask for any help setting up Dutch epg, know there are some issues with channels not being available to scrape from the website info, but they can be more specific on how to get around it.
hi team, this error seemed to literally start overnight - not as a result of any windows update or related. tried all the usual things
TVGuide shows no data available in MP2 and after running TVSetup and telling WebEPG to grab now I am presented with the attached error screen -
TvSetup then crashes out.
I have run a repair on...
hi team, this error seemed to literally start overnight - not as a result of any windows update or related. tried all the usual...
hi team, this error seemed to literally start overnight - not as a result of any windows update or related. tried all the usual...