Where to start (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 3, 2006
Not sure if this is the best forum to post it, but I just do it here.
Downloaded mediaportal some days ago. Installed it on my X15e and although I like what I see of mediaportal, I found that it is useless for using it with the touchscreen (although I do see some topics in the fora that people actually use it) .

So I tried to find in these fora others that may have dealed with the issue and after reading all kind of topics, I haven't found a real solution. The problem here is that the trees dont allow me to see the forest. There is just too much information when you search for it. I don't think just anotrher skin is a solution. Someone mentioned that the 'window' of the touchscreen should be something completely diffrent from the window of the 'big' screen. And I agree.

So I had a look around in the code /debugger and found that the GUI plugins register themselves for I believe events and actions.
Not totally sure how it works, and I would like to get some more info about that.

My first question is , can I create a GUIplugin, without an interface. I just want to register it and get the events and actions, and what events and actions would I get then?

Could I write this GUIplugin so that it would communicate with an external dotnet application. So the GUI is actually in a totally different app? And all communication between the App en this
Mediaportal GUIplugin is via the network?

I did have a look at the webinterface, it's too basic for the tasks I have in mind.

What I really would like is to receive all events and actions then , So my app could keep state with what is happening in Mediaportal.
Is this possible.

One other question, I installed mediaportal RC2 (or is it RC3? how can I tell), also on my desktop pc. But when I do a fullscreen it freezes (1920x1280). Can it handle such a resolution?

On the X15e I also has a BOD once.




Portal Member
April 3, 2006
'external Control Plugin' It may help

I did a search, found some topics about downloading a zip, but that link is dead. Where can I get the sources. Is there a sample app that uses it?



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  • February 23, 2005
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    Re: 'external Control Plugin' It may help

    Ben said:
    I did a search, found some topics about downloading a zip, but that link is dead. Where can I get the sources. Is there a sample app that uses it?


    JoeDalton has the source (he is the developer for ExternalDisplay). But if you want detailed answers you will need to ask detailed questions (one at a time) to the developers. The best place to contact them is through IRC. Depending what your timezone you live in it may take a little bit of time shuffling to catch one of the developers. Since the developers are working to get version 0.2.0 released in as bug-free as possiblem they have been very busy and may not have time to answer in a very timely manner.



    Portal Member
    April 3, 2006

    Yes I need detailed answers. But I cannot ask detailed questions untill I have seen something to ask about. The whole idea is that I want to write a Control Interface that controls Mediaportal but stays in complete sync with Mediaportal. If I press a button in MediaPortal , my Interface gets notified of it and vice versa. If there is a list of items displayed in Mediaportal, my interface gets to know about the list. If I select an item from this list in my interface, Mediaportal is notified, and gets in a state the same as if the item was selected in Mediaportal itself. So it looks like a combination maybe of an external display and external control plugin.

    So by installing these kind of plugins and checking out how they work I can probably come up with detailed questions. Maybe Sam (I believe he is the author of the external control plugin) would post a URL to the sources again?




    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    JoeDalton wrote the External Display plugin, sam wrote the ECP2 plugin.

    Both are great guys and depending on their time constraints I'm sure would be able to help you out. Just be patient and courtious (it appears you are) and I am sure you will get to accomplish your end goals. I'm lookingforward to see your plugin when it is ready for initial release.



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 13, 2006
    Hi Ben!

    This is a great idea! I've been planning to buy a touch screen lcd case and a beamer for a long time. My problem is that MP is not able (atm) to display different content on 2 screens.

    The only solution atm is nvidia's (or ati's) clone mode. But the beamer will have a 1280x720 resolution. The only built in lcd that would support this resolution (emulated) is the silverstone LC18 as far as I know... But my problem with this clone-solution is probably what you said: An emulated 1280x720 on a 7'' screen is not really usable besindes the fact that a cloned TV-picture is not very usable on the lcd of your pc-case...

    So keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to your plugin!


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