which TV hardware to use? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 26, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Been around the houses so many times with hardware & software i almost contacted NTL to pipe in some TV for me...

Right, well i have a USB stick which came with blaze HDTV soft...great but all channels are named 'unknown' which you cannot edit... so i needed new software i thought and found Media Portal which seems great!

Downloaded latest Beta... i was amazed to see 'Whitehawk Hill - Brighton' in the tuner settings as im only around 200 yards away from that transmitter... so with my great signal strength and everything else i thought i was onto a winner.... NOPE!

what ever i do i find nish, nada, nothing!... so as you can see im going around in circles... (un-installed and tried latest stable..same thing) i've had 2 hardware DVB-T cards or external usb devices before which either crashed my machine or in a 'pinnacle' device case (you had to live in Germany to get EPG)

right... so im gonna stick with MP... looks great, so what cards would you say i use with it?... any recommendations?

funny i have a working cards/stick... but the soft that came with it works.... kinda... but the best soft?... cant find my channels... pulling my hair out almost!... i would post in support but the lengthy pre-requisite information wise put me off...

anyways in summary... which cards/sticks whatever work best with MP? cheers

oh and btw... i designed I-Bulletin and i see my x7x7x7 tag has been removed from the footer ;)... no worries... did i mention i usually like being asked about removal of my footer info... no? :) no worries


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