Why does mediaportal hate Kevin Smith!!!! (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 31, 2005
Home Country
Scotland Scotland
Ive been going trough my recordings and compressing the want to keep and deleteing the ones i dont want, all together theres was about 5 months worth of recordings.

When i got to Mallrats i found that somthing had gone wronge and the file was only 14hb and wouldnt play, i thought ok it was just on film 4 and they like to repete movies.

I then got to Clerks and it was the same.

Now i cant even find Dogma and i know i recorded it.

So why does mediaportal hate kevin smith and his movies????

btw --- i found out that mallrats isnt covered my copyright anymore so im just going to download it.


Portal Pro
December 31, 2005
Home Country
Scotland Scotland
If i rember right its 200years after the auther dies unless its owned by a company.

If a company owns the copyright they have to reapply for it every so many years.

Heres a list of movies that you can download for free all with links to google video and youtube


(it might be a nice site to add to hte online video plugin)

i have found lots of references to mallrats not being covered any more but i have found a reason so im 100% about it.

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